Milhow FM Services - Security
An appropriate Security Strategy is important for both the welfare of employees and the protection of company assets (both physical and intellectual). By providing the correct mix of technology and trained manpower, based on an initial 'risk assessment' of the business and site, Milhow will help you to develop an efficient and cost effective security solution that will support your business operations.
What we can do:
  • Work with you to develop a 'tailored' security solution
  • Evaluate the current security provision and recommend a security strategy based on site risk assessments, technology and standard operating procedures
  • Assist in the Security Contract Tender process
  • Provide customer training for security guards
Case Study
Company C had operated manned guarding-based security for many years but was unsure if this was an adequate solution for its current needs.

Site risk assessments were implemented to identify required security levels and a security strategy was developed. As a result, the company invested in an integrated security solution which included CCTV, red wall and remote monitoring to provide a greatly improved and efficient service at a reduced cost.